Helping build families through adoption

Homestudy Process

  1. Clients submit a completed application and release form to FamilySteps.
  2. Couple meets with a social worker from FamilySteps for intake interview.
  3. FamilySteps provides reference letters to clients. Clients send letters to desired references. References, return letters directly to FamilySteps.
  4. Clients complete required paperwork and return it to FamilySteps. Paperwork includes:
    • Autobiographical information sheet
    • Financial information (1040 tax form)
    • Medical reports for all members of the family (child and adult)
    • Clients complete a criminal background check with the Bureau of Criminal Identification and submits original documents to FamilySteps.
  5. Clients meet with social worker in their home to complete individual interviews and a required home visit.
  6. Homestudy is completed by social worker and provided to clients

Adoption Homestudy

An adoption homestudy is required by the State of Utah in order to adopt. The completed document summarizes reference letters, background checks, medical and financial information, your family's background and present status and your home. The work required to gather this information, meet with your family and write a homestudy is all included in the fee.

Fee: $800

Rushed Fee: $900

Adoption Homestudy Update

An updated homestudy is required each year to keep your study current for adoption. In addition to another visit to your home, another homestudy summary is provided to show continued eligibility.

Fee: $350

Adoption Post Placement Visits

An adoption supervisory visit is also required by the State of Utah after a child is placed in your home to ensure the child is doing well and that the couple is bonding well with the child. Each situation is different and may require one to two supervisory visits. A supervisory report is provided to the courts in order to finalize your adoption.

Fee: $200